Oakland University Police Department

Police and Support Services Building
201 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4451
(location map)
Campus Phone: 911
Cell Phone and Non-Emergency: (248) 370-3331
Campus Status Hotline: (248) 370-2000
Hours of Operation: 24/7 Lobby and Communications
Fax: (248) 370-3341

Active Shooter

活跃枪手是指在人口密集地区积极从事杀人或试图杀人的人. An active shooter can strike anytime, anywhere, or anyone. Most active shooter situations only last 10-15 minutes. This is why it’s critical you act quickly and effectively. 今天是决定你在枪击事件中该怎么做的日子. Where will you exit? Where will you hide if you can’t exit? 今天就决定你的选择将使你快速有效地做出反应.



Home of the Golden Grizzlies, Oakland University is located on a magnificent 1500 acre estate, 还有一个国家历史地标——梅多布鲁克大厅——一个150英尺高的美丽的钟楼, 18 NCAA Division One sports teams, two championship golf courses, a child care center, and multiple academic and housing units. 十大菠菜台子一直被评为美国最安全的校园之一. However, 我们都知道,全国大学校园内的主动攻击事件越来越频繁,这个通常安静的校园可能成为此类事件的目标之一. Should this occur, would you know what to do to keep yourself safe? Hi, I'm Officer Pitts with the Oakland University Police Department. 本培训视频的目的是为您提供必要的工具,以增加您在活跃的攻击事件中幸存的可能性, should it occur on campus. 如果你在主动攻击事件发生之前制定了一个计划,你就可以在它发生之前幸存下来. 当平凡的一天变得混乱时,你需要记住哪些生存策略? (gunshot noises; screaming) "Today we're going to be discussing Plato's cave-" "That sounded like gunshots.“要想在主动攻击事件中幸存下来,你需要记住三个策略:逃跑. Hide. Fight. One option available is to run. If you need to get out of the building you are currently in, make sure you know where all the exits are. 如果你能跑到一个安全的地方,那么跑步应该是你的第一选择. 不要等着别人帮你做决定或拖慢你的脚步, and leave personal items behind. "Hey, what are you doing? We gotta go, we gotta go!“在任何重大事件中,通信中心都被电话淹没了. 除非你有关于攻击者外貌的具体信息,否则不要打电话, or current whereabouts, or injured parties. 一旦你到了一个安全的地方,如果你有信息要告诉急救人员,请拨打911. 一定要给出你的位置,因为你可能是在和县调度员通话. "There's a shooter on the fourth floor of HHB. He's wearing a black jacket and jeans.“在校园内或校园附近发生任何重大事件时,OUPD用来提醒OU社区的第一通信方法是紧急短信系统. 如果您收到此通知,您最初可能不会收到详细信息. 威胁的确切位置可能不在发送的第一条短信中, so you need to be aware of your surroundings. If you haven't registered, please go to oupolice.Com,并按照网页上的简单说明来接收这些警报. What happens if you cannot run? You may need to hide. Your goal is to become invisible. If you are in a room, lock the door. "Help me move this table." If you have time... "Hey guys, grab some chairs." ..stack heavy or large objects in front of the door. Shut off all lights. 关掉电脑和投影仪等科技产品,把手机调成静音. Move away from all windows and close window blinds if available. Spread out and get as low to the ground as you can. 不要离开你所在的区域,除非你收到安全短信. If someone knocks on the door and says 'Police, open up,' do not open the door until you receive the 'all clear' text. "Police, open up!“OUPD有校园每扇门的钥匙,可以用这些钥匙进入任何区域. 如果火灾警报在你被封锁时被激活,并且你知道你的安全没有受到烟雾或火焰的威胁, do not leave your hiding place. "Wait, we gotta go." "No, stay, we haven't heard the all clear yet." "Okay.“当你躲藏的时候,准备好战斗,以防攻击者进入你的房间. If you can't run, and you can't hide, your final option is to fight. This should only be used as a last resort. 无论你是一个人还是一大群人,你都需要告诉自己你能活下来. You need to be prepared to fight for your life. "Grab something to fight with!“环顾一下房间,你有什么武器可以用来干掉攻击者吗?? Is there anything you can use as an improvised weapon? 你的第一道防线是准备好向攻击者投掷大型或重型物品,以防他们进入你的位置. The goal is to incapacitate the assailant as soon as possible. 一旦警方得知这起事件,OUPD就会在路上,可能很快就到. When police arrive, their main priority is to stop the killer. "People coming, people coming out. Check the stairs, look to your left.“虽然看起来OUPD并不关心受伤的人... "Help!" "Help's on the way, help is on the way." ..The officers are trained to go to the sound of the gunfire. 许多医疗急救人员在不同的地点集结,并准备在现场安全后立即帮助伤者. "On the left. Going in, going in.“如果警察进入你所在的区域,就照他们说的做. Show them your hands, and do not have anything in your hands, 警方无法区分枪手和其他人. 当警察给你指路时,你可能会被枪指着. Do not approach the officers unless told to do so. Whether you are faculty, student, or staff, 有一个计划,以防枪击事件可以增加你生存的可能性. 如果你发现自己身处枪击事件中,记住三个简单的字,可以拯救你的生命和他人的生命:跑. Hide. Fight.

Guidance to faculty, staff and students

In general, 你如何应对一个活跃的枪手将取决于遭遇的具体情况, 记住,同一情况下可能有不止一个枪手. If you find yourself involved in an active shooter situation, 试着保持冷静,并使用这些指导方针来帮助你制定生存策略.


  • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Prevent others from entering the area.


  • Hide in an area out of the active shooter's view.
  • Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors.
  • Silence your cell phone and any other electronics.


  • As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger.
  • Attempt to incapacitate the active shooter.
  • Act with physical aggression and throw items at the active shooter.
How to respond when law enforcement arrives
  • Remain calm and follow officer's instructions.
  • Put down any items in your hands (e.g. jackets, bags, etc.)
  • Immediately raise your hands and spread your fingers.
  • Keep hands visible at all times.
  • 避免快速靠近警察,也不要为了安全而紧紧抓住他们.
  • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating.
Information you should provide to police
  • Location of the shooter(s)
  • Number of shooter(s)
  • Physical description of shooter(s)
  • Number and type of weapons held by the shooter(s)
  • Number of potential victims at your location
Alert message

Upon learning of an active shooting incident, OUPD将发送警告信息给注册教师, staff, and students. 有关警报系统的更多信息或注册消息,请访问我们的 Emergency Alerts page.


如果你听到或看到可能导致枪击或其他暴力局势的事情, please contact us. Trust your gut feeling. The life you save could be your own.