

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843

A woman wheeling luggage down a hallway in front of a window.


Your study abroad experience doesn't end when you step off the plane. 回国是你在国外积累经验和培养新开始的机会, 包括新朋友, 新的兴趣, 新的食物和对旅行的热爱. 十大菠菜台子 offers international theatre, 音乐, 节日, 事件, to discover and international students to engage with on campus.

OU offers services and support to ease the transition of returning from abroad. 让我们帮助你重新认识美国文化,并渴望回到你在开放大学的学习. 


Process your experience abroad and work through the psychological, 社会, and cultural challenges of your return with a re-entry workshop. 参与者将获得重新进入过程的概述,并可以在方便的时候在线讨论他们的经历. Workshop link is provided upon return from study abroad.


成为一名海外留学志愿者,扩展你的海外留学经历,影响他人. 你将在公开大学的活动中(包括欢迎招待会)向其他学生推广出国留学, 争取金牌, open houses) by answering questions and handing out literature.


在课堂、会议和活动中分享你作为海外留学演讲者的国际故事. Speaking schedules are determined on a semester-to-semester basis.


成为学生顾问,帮助其他学生开始他们的留学经历. 查看我们的 咨询顾问 浏览更多信息. Advisers provide virtual and walk-in advising sessions. 提供培训. The study abroad adviser role is a paid position. 该职位将于 握手 当有空位的时候. 


每个实习生都要在公开大学国际教育办公室完成一个有意义的海外学习项目. 实习有助于培养宝贵的工作技能,并更好地了解留学办公室的运作方式. The weekly time commitment per semester is determined with the study abroad director.


Share your study abroad/study away experience and win! Create and submit a vlog of your study abroad Winter, 夏天, 或2019年秋季结合照片的体验, video, 动画, 声音, 音乐, 和文本! 这个故事应该是你的经历的反映,但可以包括你在国外学习或出国学习的任何方面. 视图 一个例子 of a vlog produced by OU 2017 vlogging contest winner.

A number of software options are suitable 为 producing a digital story. Use your favorite software or consider using Microsoft 图片故事三 为 视频编辑大师 为 smart phone/mobile devices - free downloads available through Microsoft. Numerous editing apps are available through the App Store and Play Store. Animoto editing program can be used on any computer (MAC or PC) and is also free. For image editing, try using the free website at http://pixlr.com/editor/.

First Place (one): winner will receive lunch 为 two at The Red Ox with the Study abroad office team; CIEE backpack; and study abroad graduation sash.

Second Place (one): winner will a study abroad/study away graduation sash representing your country/state of study; and CIEE Kleen Kanteen water bottle, 和CIEE旅游叉.

Third Place (one): CIEE study summer glasses 和CIEE旅游叉.


The contest Runs through December 31, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. 获奖名单将于1月10日公布. 15, 2025. 奖品将于2月8日颁发. 1, 2025.


  1. 学生申请人必须在提交申请时在公开大学注册,并且在作为十大菠菜台子学生参加公开大学提供的出国留学/出国留学项目时完成了出国留学/出国留学项目.
  2. The Vlog must be original and include a self photo/image somewhere in the piece.
  3. Vlog的长度不能超过3分钟.
  4. The Vlog must be submitted with an application online.

To enter the contest, complete the Vlog Contest application. Upload your digital vlog entry into the 国际教育 Dropbox. Submit the video in Dropbox using the username and password provided on the application.

Create a folder with your name and program on it in the Dropbox, and then drag and drop the application and digital story into the file. Entrants will receive confirmation of entry receipt by email.


For questions about the contest, email Cynthia at (电子邮件保护).

Special thanks to CIEE 出国留学 为 generously supporting the OU 视频博客大赛.


通过在三个海外留学活动中做志愿者,获得代表你留学国家的毕业绶带. 电子邮件: (电子邮件保护) 有关详细信息,.


After all the newness and stimulation of your time abroad, 回归家庭, 朋友, and old routines (however nice and com为ting) can seem very dull. 怀念在国外学习的兴奋和挑战是很自然的, but it is up to you to find ways to overcome such negative reactions. Try new things, travel domestically, and continue cultural and 语言 studies.


有一件事你可以指望在你回来的时候:没有人会像你分享这些经历一样对听你的冒险和胜利感兴趣. This is not a rejection of you or your achievements, but simply the fact that once they have heard the highlights, any further interest on your audience's part is probably unlikely. 要现实地期望你的旅程对其他人来说是多么的迷人. 是短暂的.


即使有机会解释你在国外学习时看到的所有风景和感受, it is likely to be at least a bit frustrating trying to relay them coherently. 要把这种体验传达给没有类似参照系或旅行背景的人是非常困难的, no matter how sympathetic they are as listeners. 你可以告诉别人你的旅行, but you may fail to make them understand exactly how or why you felt a particular way. 没关系!


Just as you probably missed home 为 a time after arriving overseas, it is just as natural to experience some reverse homesickness 为 the people, 的地方, and things that you grew accustomed to as a student abroad. 在某种程度上, 写信, 打电话, 发邮件, texting and generally keeping in contact can reduce them, 但失落感是国际旅居不可分割的一部分,必须预料到并接受它,作为出国留学的自然结果.


不可避免的是,当你回来的时候,你会发现一些与朋友和家人的关系发生了变化. Just as you have altered some of your ideas and attitudes while abroad, 家里的人可能经历了一些对他们来说非常重要的变化. 这些变化可能是积极的,也可能是消极的, but expecting that no change will have occurred is unrealistic. 最好的准备是灵活、开放、最小的先入之见和适度的乐观.


有时,人们可能会关注你行为或想法上的微小变化,似乎受到了威胁或不安. 这些事件可能是由嫉妒、恐惧或优越感或自卑感引起的. 避免或减少不适, it is necessary to monitor yourself and be aware of the reactions of those around you, especially in the first few weeks following your return. This phase normally passes quickly if you do nothing to confirm their stereotypes.


一些人会误解你的言语或行为,从而使交流变得困难. 例如,你可能会想到的诙谐幽默(尤其是讽刺、戏谑等).),而一种表达感情或建立对话的方式可能被认为是侵略或“炫耀”.“在英语对话中不断提及外国地方或胡乱使用外语表达或单词通常被认为是吹牛. Be aware of how you may look to others and how your behavior is likely to be interpreted.

Feeling of alienation/seeing with "critical eyes"

有时候,回到“家”的现实并不像你在脑海中想象的那样自然或愉快. When actual daily life is less enjoyable or more demanding than you remembered, 感到一些疏离感是很自然的. 许多海归培养了“挑剔的眼睛”,” a tendency to see faults in the society you never noticed be为e (e.g., Americans are so wasteful, materialistic, fat, in a hurry, etc.). 批评与调整过程中的不适和轻微的“文化冲击”密切相关. “心理比较很好, 但在你重新获得文化平衡和平衡的视角之前,你要把它们留给自己.


Many returnees are frustrated by the lack of opportunity to apply newly gained 社会, 语言, and practical coping skills that appear to be unnecessary or irrelevant at home. To avoid ongoing annoyance: adjust to reality as necessary, 改变可能发生的事, 要有创意, 要有耐心, 最重要的是, 运用你在国外学到的所有跨文化适应技巧来帮助你自己重新进入.

Loss/compartmentalization of experience ("shoeboxing")

在家, 再加上工作的压力, 学校, 家庭, 和朋友, often conspires to make returnees worried that they might somehow "lose" the experience. 许多人担心它会变得像纪念品或相册一样被分隔开来,只会偶尔拿出来看一看. You do not have to let that happen: maintain your contacts abroad; seek out and talk to people who have had experiences similar to yours; practice your cross-cultural skills; continue language learning. 尽可能地将你的海外经历融入到你的日常生活和活动中.

改编自Dr. 布鲁斯·拉布拉克, 国际关系学院, 太平洋大学, 拉丁美洲奖学金项目, 美国大学哈佛大学, Central American Program 为 本科 Scholars.